Diagnostic Assessment

Hi all, I have my autism diagnositic assessment next month and it is causing me alot of apprehension and anxiety.

I am 32 female and like many will be late diagnosed, I have a lot of bad experiences with metal health professionals where I have frequently been misdiagnosed or not listened too, or simply told medication will fix it all.

I am due to previous experiences worried I will again have a bad experience not receive a diagnosis and essentially feel like I fail at life due to all the struggles I have being autistic. 

Did anyone else in a similar situation have the same concerns? How was your experience? 

I am also aware the assessment can be quite draining so any advice on what to expect would be great

Thank you 

  • Hi

    I had my assessment last month (I'm 34) and they were absolutely brilliant. I will say yes it was draining but only because they have to test the areas that you find difficult, I had to tell a story from a picture book, explain and show with my hands how to brush your teeth and answer lots of questions about my life from as early as I could remember up to now. The things they ask you to do will differ depending on what your struggles are. During the assessment you can have a break if you need and they will work around your needs.

    Hope that helps, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them if I can.

  • Hi

    I had my assessment last month (I'm 34) and they were absolutely brilliant. I will say yes it was draining but only because they have to test the areas that you find difficult, I had to tell a story from a picture book, explain and show with my hands how to brush your teeth and answer lots of questions about my life from as early as I could remember up to now. The things they ask you to do will differ depending on what your struggles are. During the assessment you can have a break if you need and they will work around your needs.

    Hope that helps, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them if I can.
