How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Let's say I know this woman who works at a local supermarket, she smiled at me and said she liked my coat. I believe that's flirting, correct? How do I ask her out on a date?

  • This may not be flirting, just being friendly. Watch how this same person responds to others with or without the same friendliness.

    It is so hard to tell so look for patterns. If you do like her no matter, remember she is captive behind the register to your approaches.

    So be very sensitive  to this. if she doesn't want to date you remember she will have to see you over and over afterwards. this is awkward, an uneven situation, you are not relating as 'equals' with the register between you. The roles are prescribed.

    so - watch and see. start short conversations at the register with her. ask what sorts of movies she likes, etc. don't rush anything. remember she cannot walk away as you can from her, if and when it gets weird.

    Time and Space . lots of it.

    Also - perhaps let her, if she likes, offer social time with you ask you on a date. It's not the the thatcher years after all.

  • This may not be flirting, just being friendly. Watch how this same person responds to others with or without the same friendliness.

    It is so hard to tell so look for patterns. If you do like her no matter, remember she is captive behind the register to your approaches.

    So be very sensitive  to this. if she doesn't want to date you remember she will have to see you over and over afterwards. this is awkward, an uneven situation, you are not relating as 'equals' with the register between you. The roles are prescribed.

    so - watch and see. start short conversations at the register with her. ask what sorts of movies she likes, etc. don't rush anything. remember she cannot walk away as you can from her, if and when it gets weird.

    Time and Space . lots of it.

    Also - perhaps let her, if she likes, offer social time with you ask you on a date. It's not the the thatcher years after all.

  • like @Uhane says it may not have been flirting. As they say observe them interacting with other customers - perhaps with people in front of you in her checkout queue next time you are shopping?

    Note how she interacts with them - perhaps she compliments everyone just being friendly?