How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Let's say I know this woman who works at a local supermarket, she smiled at me and said she liked my coat. I believe that's flirting, correct? How do I ask her out on a date?

  • You would need to build up a considerable amount of rapport, before suggesting a date. From the woman's point of view you are an unknown quantity and possibly dangerous. Try talking to her much more before asking her to a date, when you talk to her combine an interest in her, asking about her interests, with giving out some information about yourself, especially information that shows that you are not a potential threat. If you find a common interest, say in cinema, this might give you an opening for suggesting a date. Start small, as has been suggested a day time cup of coffee invitation is much less likely to be turned down than an evening occasion.

  • You would need to build up a considerable amount of rapport, before suggesting a date. From the woman's point of view you are an unknown quantity and possibly dangerous. Try talking to her much more before asking her to a date, when you talk to her combine an interest in her, asking about her interests, with giving out some information about yourself, especially information that shows that you are not a potential threat. If you find a common interest, say in cinema, this might give you an opening for suggesting a date. Start small, as has been suggested a day time cup of coffee invitation is much less likely to be turned down than an evening occasion.

  • You would need to build up a considerable amount of rapport, before suggesting a date

    I'm not sure this is true. People go on blinddates all the time. With people from tinder even. Building up rapport certainly won't hurt your chances. But if you wait too long people walk out of your life because that's just how life works.