Can anyone help me think of job options?

I'm just after a session with my therapist, where I decided that the most important goal for myself is finding a career. But I've always been stumped on the matter because I don't know what I would be good at. Obviously something with consistency and minimal social interaction. Personally I like creative writing, not in any particular medium. I understand that STEM jobs are a natural fit, though I have a background in none of those things. My therapist has tasked me with making a list of jobs I could see myself doing, but I really don't have many ideas.

I went to college to study higher english, psychology and sociology, and got passing grades. I'm almost 32, and trying to take my education further with something like university would cost me the benefits that I live by. I want to be self sufficient, but can't afford to be without them for the years it would take to complete university. I could try to learn technical skills on my own time, but for now I need more practical options. I'm also overweight and unfit, so no one's likely to want me for a physical job unless they're that desperate.

But really, right now the only step that matters is putting together a list of jobs that I could do. I can come up with fiction writing and game development, since I have RPG Maker on Steam and could try being an indie developer. Thinking beyond that is when I start drawing blanks though. So, does anyone have any suggestions? I'm open to learning new skills, I just want to have options so I can figure out how best to set myself up for success.

  • If you can find something useful that does not depend on technology or trends in order to be a thing, and which other people will pay you a decent wage for doing, do that. 

    Game dev, influencer, rock star, adn may oterh well paying jobs are a bit of a lottery, where (particualry with music) there are a million often good and dedicated applicants and only one positiion. 

    Accountants and psychologists and lawyers however, there's a job for anyone who can do it and has the qualifications. And from what I can see, you can do a preety crap job and stil get paid as if for your best work. There's usually an entire profession to back you up as well, if the customer gets annoyed.

    I don't think I'm being too cynical there, if you want cynical I'll need to do doctors, dentists and policemen.... ;c)

    And unlike microsoft certifcation for example, the training isn't entirely useless and valueless after 18 months...

  • If you can find something useful that does not depend on technology or trends in order to be a thing, and which other people will pay you a decent wage for doing, do that. 

    Game dev, influencer, rock star, adn may oterh well paying jobs are a bit of a lottery, where (particualry with music) there are a million often good and dedicated applicants and only one positiion. 

    Accountants and psychologists and lawyers however, there's a job for anyone who can do it and has the qualifications. And from what I can see, you can do a preety crap job and stil get paid as if for your best work. There's usually an entire profession to back you up as well, if the customer gets annoyed.

    I don't think I'm being too cynical there, if you want cynical I'll need to do doctors, dentists and policemen.... ;c)

    And unlike microsoft certifcation for example, the training isn't entirely useless and valueless after 18 months...

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