Can anyone help me think of job options?

I'm just after a session with my therapist, where I decided that the most important goal for myself is finding a career. But I've always been stumped on the matter because I don't know what I would be good at. Obviously something with consistency and minimal social interaction. Personally I like creative writing, not in any particular medium. I understand that STEM jobs are a natural fit, though I have a background in none of those things. My therapist has tasked me with making a list of jobs I could see myself doing, but I really don't have many ideas.

I went to college to study higher english, psychology and sociology, and got passing grades. I'm almost 32, and trying to take my education further with something like university would cost me the benefits that I live by. I want to be self sufficient, but can't afford to be without them for the years it would take to complete university. I could try to learn technical skills on my own time, but for now I need more practical options. I'm also overweight and unfit, so no one's likely to want me for a physical job unless they're that desperate.

But really, right now the only step that matters is putting together a list of jobs that I could do. I can come up with fiction writing and game development, since I have RPG Maker on Steam and could try being an indie developer. Thinking beyond that is when I start drawing blanks though. So, does anyone have any suggestions? I'm open to learning new skills, I just want to have options so I can figure out how best to set myself up for success.

  • That doesn't sound at all bad to me. That said, what I have are Scottish Standards, not a degree.

  • I once worked in a supermarket that had daily goals like our this much stock out recycle this much stuff it wasn't for me it felt like goals for the sake of goals it wasn't meaningfull

  • I've been working in retail for a long while now and although my management and customers seem to like me ad a good fit for the role I'd ideally like a job with more me time just me and the task at hand and perhaps a role that has a mix of being seated and not being seated

    I will probably stay in this role for the foreseeable future as it's in travel distance it has a pay cycle that suits me and the hours work for me 

  • Have you thought about editing for a publishing house? It's steady and matches your skill set: Copy editor, Copy writer for a trade publication? 

    You can still creatively write on the side but you would have privacy and a single task all to yourself. Starting somewhere in the middle-bottom with your degree would be possible.

    OR - start with a small publisher.

  • Having worked in supermarket retailing (not by choice) for over 30 years at age 53, after my diagnosis in 2021, I tried working in a hotel for just over a year as a kitchen Porter and public areas cleaner, but it was a disaster and combining the two roles in the same shift in the same hotel was even worse - my biggest fear is that the jobcentre will try to force me into a role that is unsuitable as I don’t have many options open to me, as in the past before my diagnosis, I had been “persuaded” out of a lot of stuff “because they say so, end of discussion” - this is the very reason that post-diagnosis assessments are so important 

  • I would honestly start with deciding if you want to be customer facing or not perhaps check out the national carerrs(autocorrrct said Carrera but I mean i guess if you want to service push bikes for halfords lol) service 

  • Yeah as soon as I get questions like this all knowledge leaves the brain and I turn into "Daaahh... what jobs are there? Fireman! Policeman! Postman!"

  • I hate it when people set me goals like this, not only do I genuinely not know what I want to do, or could do, but I'm not goal orrientated at all. When someone asks me that sort of question I feel like I've run into an invisible wall and am to stunned to think as I teeter on the edge of a black hole.

  • If you can find something useful that does not depend on technology or trends in order to be a thing, and which other people will pay you a decent wage for doing, do that. 

    Game dev, influencer, rock star, adn may oterh well paying jobs are a bit of a lottery, where (particualry with music) there are a million often good and dedicated applicants and only one positiion. 

    Accountants and psychologists and lawyers however, there's a job for anyone who can do it and has the qualifications. And from what I can see, you can do a preety crap job and stil get paid as if for your best work. There's usually an entire profession to back you up as well, if the customer gets annoyed.

    I don't think I'm being too cynical there, if you want cynical I'll need to do doctors, dentists and policemen.... ;c)

    And unlike microsoft certifcation for example, the training isn't entirely useless and valueless after 18 months...

  • That just gave me the shocking realisation that my local newsagents doesn't sell newspapers anymore. But I get your meaning, and that could be an option, depending on what might be available.

  • Yeah fair it's just trying to find something that's worth doing, financially speaking, as opposed to just staying on benefits. You're right about game making being a side project though. Career is probably a big word for now, I just need something within my skills and needs that pays enough to be worth giving up what I'm getting right now.

  • First of all your best finding anjob that's quiet simply a source of income and experience I'd suggest either retail or admin it just depends weather you prefer people or spreadsheets

    Things like making video games or music ste hardly ever a career path in their own right make a game as a hobby and self publish it on steam and if you make good enough indie games you will hopefully be picked up by a bigger indie studio and perhaps even AAA in the future 

    It's like I wanted to do music but even if you do get put  gigs(which in its self is a tough market) you would need a job along side it unless you get lucky 

    I know it's tough not being able to start a career straight away but things get more complex with the modern world tbh

  • you may have seen before but The Work From Home Hub - UK Facebook page might be worth a follow - all sorts pop up so may be good for ideas.. all the best :-) 

  • I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I'm 62! I won't be much help I'm afraid, but try thinking outside the box, do you like flowers, horticulture, hairdressing, make-up, stuff that's less gender specific?

    I thinkt here's a lot of stuff out there that we never seem to see advertised or have any idea of how to get into, like becoming a librarian, or an achivist, art restoring?

  • this website may be helfull. I found it helpfull when in uni and thinking about jobs.

  • I'm no expert in job seeking, but you are really talented. Have you tried checking newspaper ads for jobs in your local area? They could be sufficient for a part-time job.

  • this website may be helfull. I found it helpfull when in uni and thinking about jobs.