
Hello everyone. I’m in the process of getting assessed at the age of 71. I’m pretty sure, from what the assessor has said, that I’ll get an official diagnosis, and even if I don’t, I’m happy to self-diagnose. Understanding where I fit has come so late in life, but it’s wonderful. I’d love to know about any others on here who have come to this understanding as late in life as I have. Anyone out there???

  • Well, I'm 62 and not diagnosed formally yet. I'm on a waiting list so it may be 3 more years, assuming I live that long! Like you, it was a new therapist who suggested quite strongly that I might be autistic. I have suffered from depression on and off nearly all my adult life (and probably before). I ascribed this, and the traits which I'm now inclined to put down to autism, to emotional trauma that I suffered in my teens. However, my therapist ruled out complex PTSD and recognised that trauma isn't at the root of everything. Autism really has turned out to be the missing piece that completes the picture. Suddenly (it has been comparatively sudden) things make so much more sense. Yes, life is still difficult, but I'm just beginning to be able to accept that this is because I am different, rather than defective in some way. I spent so much of my life feeling "broken". I think this is slowly changing now and, as a result, the depression doesn't seem to have quite the same hold as it did.

    I wish I'd known a lot earlier! But happy(ish) to have at least some relief now from what has been torture at times.

    Good luck! There are good people here, and I'm sure you'll find some support.

  • Well, I'm 62 and not diagnosed formally yet. I'm on a waiting list so it may be 3 more years, assuming I live that long! Like you, it was a new therapist who suggested quite strongly that I might be autistic. I have suffered from depression on and off nearly all my adult life (and probably before). I ascribed this, and the traits which I'm now inclined to put down to autism, to emotional trauma that I suffered in my teens. However, my therapist ruled out complex PTSD and recognised that trauma isn't at the root of everything. Autism really has turned out to be the missing piece that completes the picture. Suddenly (it has been comparatively sudden) things make so much more sense. Yes, life is still difficult, but I'm just beginning to be able to accept that this is because I am different, rather than defective in some way. I spent so much of my life feeling "broken". I think this is slowly changing now and, as a result, the depression doesn't seem to have quite the same hold as it did.

    I wish I'd known a lot earlier! But happy(ish) to have at least some relief now from what has been torture at times.

    Good luck! There are good people here, and I'm sure you'll find some support.

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