
Hello everyone. I’m in the process of getting assessed at the age of 71. I’m pretty sure, from what the assessor has said, that I’ll get an official diagnosis, and even if I don’t, I’m happy to self-diagnose. Understanding where I fit has come so late in life, but it’s wonderful. I’d love to know about any others on here who have come to this understanding as late in life as I have. Anyone out there???

  • Wow 71! Are there things in your life which have made you retrospectively think (now that you know about autism) that it explains a lot?

    I am sure my aunt (I think she's 80 now) has undiagnosed autism. Not that I want to armchair diagnose people, but it's only since being diagnosed myself that I recognise so many of my traits in her (it's uncanny). I don't know if a diagnosis would have ever helped her, but I guess there wasn't any support anyway when she was younger.

    In a lot of ways she gives me hope for the future because even if she had undiagnosed autism, she made a life for herself and got on with things.

  • Wow 71! Are there things in your life which have made you retrospectively think (now that you know about autism) that it explains a lot?

    I am sure my aunt (I think she's 80 now) has undiagnosed autism. Not that I want to armchair diagnose people, but it's only since being diagnosed myself that I recognise so many of my traits in her (it's uncanny). I don't know if a diagnosis would have ever helped her, but I guess there wasn't any support anyway when she was younger.

    In a lot of ways she gives me hope for the future because even if she had undiagnosed autism, she made a life for herself and got on with things.

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