Does your sense of injustice get you in trouble?

I used to not say anything because I hate confrontation but as I’ve gotten older it’s stronger and I feel I need to do something about it. So I end up doing or saying things more so which I feel is right and justified in the moment but then I can’t cope with the backlash and I end up second guessing myself and having major panics that the other person will do something awful to me as a result.

I always handle things the wrong way.

  • I'm always sticking my head above the parapet and getting shot al, I've leared to duck fast and well. The other thing I've found as I get older is that I care less about not offending other people, some of the things people do offend me, why does my sense of offence matter less than theirs? I can't say that I like confrontation, but I'm less avoident of it than I used to be and I feel more grounded in my ability to make my case and stand my ground.

    I think we need to ask ourselves what is the "trouble" we fear we're get in? 

  • I'm always sticking my head above the parapet and getting shot al, I've leared to duck fast and well. The other thing I've found as I get older is that I care less about not offending other people, some of the things people do offend me, why does my sense of offence matter less than theirs? I can't say that I like confrontation, but I'm less avoident of it than I used to be and I feel more grounded in my ability to make my case and stand my ground.

    I think we need to ask ourselves what is the "trouble" we fear we're get in? 

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