Wildlife guess who games

I came up with this idea cause of a frequent visiter when i was away 

guess who this is? 

  • no not willow or marsh tit

  • there is black squirrels in the uk aswell

    both gray squirrels and black squirrels are normaly found  in the same place at the same time but there not as common as the non black squirrels. theres also leucistic squirrels aswell. again they arnt as common as non leucistic squirrels.  both non black and the black gray squirels  were introduced from North America which is there native range. -

    native means a species is  in a country it origionates from.  it has allways been in that country and not from any other country.

    . a non native species is one who is from a different country to the one it is currently in

    for instance  the california poppy can be found in many places all over the world but its home - where it origionated from is california. in california it is a native species cause it was origionaly born there and its allways lived  there. in other countrys it is considered a non native species cause it didnt come from those countrys and it didnt  live in those countrys.  

     the gray squirrel both  black and leucistic and non black and non leuictic havnt allways been in the uk which makes them not  native   (non Native) species 

    if a species has been brought over  to a country it didnt used to live in by any means its called introduced. the gray squirrels  are  not native to the uk and they didnt come over by themselfs but by human infuence  so they were  introduced here so they are a introduced species in the uk cause they were( brought over) from north America years ago. 

  • nope not a coal tit. you got the first one right though. Blue tit  dont have a black hood whereas Great Tit also known by the scientific name parus major  do. coal tit also has a black head. if you look at the wings on the back which is sort of a clue  though you will see that they have some green abouve the wings and bright blue wings. it also has a bright yellow tummy. coal tit doesnt have blue and greenish back and wigs which the coal tit  dont have.

    another clue is that coal tit - periparus ater 

    have grayish wings with 2 white wing bars whereaas Great tit also known by the scientific name parus major  only have one white wing bar on  the side of the wing 

    whats your second guess?

  • yes. its a squirrel so your correct on that one. in the uk  theres 2 well known species of squirrel gray squirrel and red Squirrels. red squirrels  are now rare cause they used to be in the same area as gray squirrels a long time ago and the red squirrels caught a disease they are susceptable to from gray squirrels and due to things like competiiton for survival and resources the red squirrel population dropped and became rare and the remaining  red squirrels arnt in the same place as gray squirrel anymore cause they cant be in the same place for the above reasons. red squirrel populations are in scotland and down south on brownsea island. where I sighted the squirrel is where you wont find any red squirrels. red squirrels are all red whereas gray squirrels are all gray with some red (aswell) gray squirrels also dont have tufty ears whereas red squirrels dont. but you are correct you two it is a squirrel 

  • Is that a squirrel? It looks red? I saw black squirrels in Canada,

    I'm no good at identifying. You are really good at it.

  • shall I do an easyer guess who one? if no one knows i can give you more clues

  • if you need a clue it is a species in the tit family- paridae for example Blue tit, great tit etc