Always in the background

I have become too comfortable with being in the background, a real life NPC (non player characters in games), going about my business, sticking to an internal script rehearsed over a lifetime (do not put myself in potential trouble, don't say or do anything to embarrass myself and trust no one) and moving on to the next task.

And when someone interesting catches my eye I glance at them without them knowing and move on with my business.

Eventually I feel as hollow and devoid of personality as the background characters in movies or games.

  • That’s a shame that you feel like that. I feel like the player in the game. I don’t always win but sometimes I do but I’m just up for the adventure. I like playing life in a nice way. I am not an NPC. I don’t really see others as NPCs either well actually I do. Some people are definitely NPCs. They go through all the hoops and live in the world of the mundane. Sometimes I experience routine things but I always have a way of making them interesting and bringing some story and character to the table. There’s rarely a dull moment for me. Always something interesting seems to be happening around me. Girls find me attractive (most of the time) I think. Try and look at the bright side. Try and embrace your spontaneous spirit. Don’t follow the crowd and make your own trail in life. 

  • That’s a shame that you feel like that. I feel like the player in the game. I don’t always win but sometimes I do but I’m just up for the adventure. I like playing life in a nice way. I am not an NPC. I don’t really see others as NPCs either well actually I do. Some people are definitely NPCs. They go through all the hoops and live in the world of the mundane. Sometimes I experience routine things but I always have a way of making them interesting and bringing some story and character to the table. There’s rarely a dull moment for me. Always something interesting seems to be happening around me. Girls find me attractive (most of the time) I think. Try and look at the bright side. Try and embrace your spontaneous spirit. Don’t follow the crowd and make your own trail in life. 

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