Interview Reasonable Adjustments

Hi All, 

I've got Autism and ADHD. I'm applying for jobs at the moment. Most of the roles I've applied for haven't asked if I need reasonable adjustments so I haven't asked for them but I'm struggling.

The challenges I've identified are that 1) I massively overprepare for interviews due to uncertainty, 2) when they ask questions that I haven't foreseen and scripted I can get knocked of course, 3) With questions relating to work history and achievements I can give strong factual answers but my autobiographical memory isn't great, 4) I can't process my thoughts, prioritise, and order them sufficiently before I need to answer, so my answers are often longer and more rambling than wanted (my brain works from the details to the headline by talking or writing which I can't do in interview).    

Can anyone tell me about what reasonable adjustments they have benefited from, or that might benefit me and other autistic people when approaching and attending interviews? 

Many Thanks

  • Hi and welcome to the community!

    The NAS has some great resources for employers, which include a list of reasonable adjustments that they might consider making for autistic interviewees. Perhaps you might like to request some of them:

    Interview adjustments

    The same article includes other suggestions, including alternatives to traditional interviews and inviting a supporter to accompany the interviewee.

    You can also access separate articles with advice about seeking work, and about support at work here:


  • Hi and welcome to the community!

    The NAS has some great resources for employers, which include a list of reasonable adjustments that they might consider making for autistic interviewees. Perhaps you might like to request some of them:

    Interview adjustments

    The same article includes other suggestions, including alternatives to traditional interviews and inviting a supporter to accompany the interviewee.

    You can also access separate articles with advice about seeking work, and about support at work here:


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