Anyone else have an issue where they 'see' an image/idea in their head, before they are able to describe it in a concrete, linear way which others can understand?

Curious to know whether this is just my experience.

And if so, how you got round this?

  • I think mostly in images, unless I'm having an active internal conversation with myself, then thoughts are images, or sometimes as short video clips. It does then make it hard to describe to others, particularly immediately as you need time to translate the images into verbal language. 

    I see things that people say also, which is great when I'm being relayed an amusing story, not so pleasant when its something awful or upsetting. 

  • I think mostly in images, unless I'm having an active internal conversation with myself, then thoughts are images, or sometimes as short video clips. It does then make it hard to describe to others, particularly immediately as you need time to translate the images into verbal language. 

    I see things that people say also, which is great when I'm being relayed an amusing story, not so pleasant when its something awful or upsetting. 

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