Breakdown in communication

I think there's a 2 way breakdown in communication that can't be resolved.Disappointed Frowning2

  • Yes, that happens to me too......until, of course, it does get resolved, one way or the other!

    Can you offer more detail about your current communication problem.  I currently have one that also needs some urgent work too. 

  • It's the disagreement over how  one group of people is doing compared to another.  How that comparative difference impacts on shared experiences, and makes it hard to identify with the other.

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  • I am not sure that it is actually a disagreement, I perceive it as a partial difference.

    As you say, that difference DOES impact on our connectivity regarding SOME shared experiences, but I don't perceive it as a break in EVERY identification between us.  Shared "fundamental" wiring always shines out - even if bathed in teeth and claw!

    Personally, I find it hard to explain how some people who argue (sometimes fiercely) seem unable to notice or acknowledge that BECAUSE they BOTH argue fiercely......that's a connection and a similarity that is unarguable!

    I've been around here for a while firemonkey......don't despair......things have a habit of working themselves out.