How many of us are only children?

I'm an only child. I wondered if anyone find similarities between being an only child and autism?

  • I am an only child. Having experience of parents, spouse and children with siblings, I would say that being an only child and not having had any of that sibling rivalry has made me more generous than otherwise, as is often said. I never needed to measure the depth of pop in my glass with a ruler so that I got exactly the same amount as a sibling, so I am free and easy with my native generosity. I have never been accused of being a 'pinch-fart', but have sometimes been told that I have been naively overgenerous.

  • I thiink every only child wonders what it would be like to have a sibling, people who have siblings often think those of us who are only's see siblings through rose tinted spectacles, I don't think thats true. I think for many of us we wish we'd had the hassle of having to sit and eat dinner with someone you've just had a big falling out with, it's a life lesson thats very hard to learn later in life.

  • I thiink every only child wonders what it would be like to have a sibling, people who have siblings often think those of us who are only's see siblings through rose tinted spectacles, I don't think thats true. I think for many of us we wish we'd had the hassle of having to sit and eat dinner with someone you've just had a big falling out with, it's a life lesson thats very hard to learn later in life.
