Autism thing?

I wondered if the following situation is commonly experienced by other autistics?

I am out in public, walking along, minding my own business, and some random stranger says, "Cheer up, it might never happen", or words to that effect.

I find it very intrusive and usually cannot find anything witty to say, which would be an ideal response. I am hugely resentful of the concept that I owe it to complete strangers to compose my facial expression to suit their peculiar standards.

  • Helloi,

    It’s understandable that you find such comments intrusive and frustrating. Many autistic individuals share similar experiences where strangers make unsolicited remarks about their facial expressions or demeanor. This can feel like an invasion of personal space and autonomy.

    flying together

    You certainly don’t owe anyone an explanation or a change in your expression. It’s perfectly valid to feel resentful about the expectation to conform to others’ standards. If you’re looking for a response, you might consider something simple and polite, like, “I’m fine, thank you,” or even just a nod and a smile if you feel up to it. But remember, it’s entirely your choice how you respond, and it’s okay to prioritize your comfort.

    Best Regards


  • Helloi,

    It’s understandable that you find such comments intrusive and frustrating. Many autistic individuals share similar experiences where strangers make unsolicited remarks about their facial expressions or demeanor. This can feel like an invasion of personal space and autonomy.

    flying together

    You certainly don’t owe anyone an explanation or a change in your expression. It’s perfectly valid to feel resentful about the expectation to conform to others’ standards. If you’re looking for a response, you might consider something simple and polite, like, “I’m fine, thank you,” or even just a nod and a smile if you feel up to it. But remember, it’s entirely your choice how you respond, and it’s okay to prioritize your comfort.

    Best Regards


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