Dating (35+ Female Reponses Only, Sorry Guys)

It seems impossible for me to trust women. This is not because of being jilted via having been cheated on, several broken relationships leaving me wonder what in the blue h*** I have done, standing on a train station platform, bewildered and consequently being depressed for months on end feeling unwanted, proceeding to then start losing weight again (I'm 18st, part belly, part muscle lol), fix myself up with new teeth and so on.

It is more to do with the current political climate that I see all around me. Do I go up and talk to a woman and risk being jailed? Or do I smile from afar and risk being jailed? Or do I simply stay lonely? My mother was abusive, my late Grandmother, overprotective, social workers acting upon misandry and falsehoods, libel and the like since childhood.

I would like a female companion long term some day, but I have already planned to grow old alone because that seems easier. However, since my diagnosis, I am open to perhaps asking for help before I am accused of misogyny again. I am not a misogynist, I just have trust issues since my recent break up and all I want, is a best friend forever, who will love me with all of my flaws, including my impressions, maybe play some Magic The Gathering of an evening, watch Jurassic Park, play some retro games, or just a simple snuggle up with some Rick & Morty and a Pizza now and again. Evening walks just as the sun is setting etc.

Anyway, enough cringe from me. It would mean a lot to me if you ladies could help me change my perspective. I really do believe in love, accepting people for who they are, despite flaws, arguing then making up again with a cup of tea and perhaps a good laugh. I will embrace a female companion who is autistic as well as I think we may get on better together with our understanding, growing up and evolving our knowledge. You never know it could have a positive impact on the world.

Someone to spend time with. As I said, enough cringe from me. 

Remember, female responses only. This is not a dating ad, more oversharing about my want to change and move on in life, with or without a best friend.

Take care and thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • Dear Mr Problematic,  

    Thank you for posting and telling the community what you are going through. We are sorry to hear that you are currently experiencing depression and feeling unwanted. It is good that you’ve let us know what’s happening/how you feel. Many people have similar thoughts when coping with so much and we hope you’re okay.  

    If you are unable to cope with the distress or despair, it’s very important to tell someone about your feelings or thoughts of suicide. Call your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP can make sure you get appropriate help and support  

    The National Autistic Society does not currently operate a crisis or emergency service. We advise you to contact 999 or any of the mental health crisis lines listed on our Urgent Help Page if you are at risk of immediate harm: 

    If you are not at immediate risk of harm, we would encourage you to speak to your GP or another health professional about this if you haven’t done so already. If it’s outside your GP hours call 111 to reach the NHS 111 service: 

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues:  

    The following information about depression may be of particular interest:    

    Help for anyone struggling to cope 

    • Samaritans: Call 116 123 for free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  
    • Mind Infoline: 0300 1233393for information and signposting (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) 
    • SANEline: 0300 304 7000for anyone experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else (4.30pm to 10.30pm, every day)  

    In addition, you may want to visit our pages on socialising and relationships  

    You mention that you would like your thread deleted, please contact the mailbox with requests of this nature, or see our FAQs page.  

    Kind Regards, 
    Rosie Mod 

  • Dear Mr Problematic,  

    Thank you for posting and telling the community what you are going through. We are sorry to hear that you are currently experiencing depression and feeling unwanted. It is good that you’ve let us know what’s happening/how you feel. Many people have similar thoughts when coping with so much and we hope you’re okay.  

    If you are unable to cope with the distress or despair, it’s very important to tell someone about your feelings or thoughts of suicide. Call your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP can make sure you get appropriate help and support  

    The National Autistic Society does not currently operate a crisis or emergency service. We advise you to contact 999 or any of the mental health crisis lines listed on our Urgent Help Page if you are at risk of immediate harm: 

    If you are not at immediate risk of harm, we would encourage you to speak to your GP or another health professional about this if you haven’t done so already. If it’s outside your GP hours call 111 to reach the NHS 111 service: 

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues:  

    The following information about depression may be of particular interest:    

    Help for anyone struggling to cope 

    • Samaritans: Call 116 123 for free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  
    • Mind Infoline: 0300 1233393for information and signposting (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) 
    • SANEline: 0300 304 7000for anyone experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else (4.30pm to 10.30pm, every day)  

    In addition, you may want to visit our pages on socialising and relationships  

    You mention that you would like your thread deleted, please contact the mailbox with requests of this nature, or see our FAQs page.  

    Kind Regards, 
    Rosie Mod 

  • Could you delete my discussions and my account please? I will be signing out permanently and not responding to other notifications. To be told that political climates are belittling, is belittling to me as well because again it's the left silencing people all the time. I am sick and tired of being oppressed by those fighting oppression. I don't want help to stop the way I feel about leaving this world, I wish to be left alone because with the responses I have had, this world is not worth living in.