Double Jeopardy

Dear All,

You know I like to keep you updates so here is the wonderful thing about my treatment in my county.-

1- I have a court case to deal with for harassment In my view the whole case is a nonsense there is no violence or threats .I am terrified of violence and threats and avoid and have never been involved in such things.The Co Residents terrify me and are a mob against me

2- The council as I knew they would have very kindly given me an upgrade from a CPW to the frightening and formal CP.N. The community protection notice.So what is brilliant cruel planning is two court appearances dates plus lots of my money spent to defend the same thing that I am vigorously defending with a not guilty plea.

3- The council bless them will use very good lawyers why not it is public money that I have contributed to.They so far have not told me what I have done and I don't think they will till the day at court.

4- If they win god bless them I will be liable for their costs and they will be able to fine me at their whim.

5- The fines get higher and then bless them prison could await me.

6-In the meantime they will keep collecting the council tax.

7- My sister who I live with who also has mental health is now being bullied by the Co residents but the council and Police whatever evidence we give say all is fine.

This my friends is happening in a Democracy.Oh yes I have been arrested twice once for breach of bail where a co resident had made vile comments to my sister and I asked them to stop.

Their quote with a mock was you have breached bail sure enough the cells awaited.There is loads more I can say but basically this happens a lot to Autistic people and I am determined not just for me but for all of us to get not guilty on both counts.

I am exhausted stressed upset and loads more.I would urge anyone to read about Autistic people in the criminal justice system and also look at CPN s and CPWs you will hopefully be angry.However lets not get angry lets get justice .

  • They so far have not told me what I have done

    this should be detailed in the charge section of the court case - I can't imagine they are able to raise one without it so you are able to prepare to defend yourself. Your lawyer should have explained this to you.

    If you don't have a lawyer yet then I would strongly recommend getting one.

    Have you tried asking Legal Aid if you qualify for thier support?

    Their quote with a mock was you have breached bail sure enough the cells awaited.

    Did you technically break the terms of your bail? Even if the terms were rubbish then you are stll required to follow them on pain of prosecution.

    I have been arrested twice once for breach of bail where a co resident had made vile comments to my sister and I asked them to stop.

    What were the terms of the bail? Did it prohibit you from contact with the people you asked to stop?

  • They so far have not told me what I have done

    this should be detailed in the charge section of the court case - I can't imagine they are able to raise one without it so you are able to prepare to defend yourself. Your lawyer should have explained this to you.

    If you don't have a lawyer yet then I would strongly recommend getting one.

    Have you tried asking Legal Aid if you qualify for thier support?

    Their quote with a mock was you have breached bail sure enough the cells awaited.

    Did you technically break the terms of your bail? Even if the terms were rubbish then you are stll required to follow them on pain of prosecution.

    I have been arrested twice once for breach of bail where a co resident had made vile comments to my sister and I asked them to stop.

    What were the terms of the bail? Did it prohibit you from contact with the people you asked to stop?

  • Hi Iain yes i have a fantastic lawyer.

    no I will not get legal aid financially I am in a good place but resent wasting money on this.

    legal aid does not apply to appeal CPNs this is why councils love them and dish them out to the mentally ill and vulnerable.They also use the tax payer top fund their lawyers then if they win get their costs back.Oh yes i pay council tax so I am paying for my pwn prosecution!

    Re the bail yes the terms were very clear about direct and indirect contact I 100% agree and have stuck to them.What these people have done is attacked my sister verbally who is vulnerable and mentally ill and I asked my sister are you ok? At that punt said neighbour made an offensive comment about my sisters old which I said do not talk top my sister like that.Then she did her mocking comment.

    The other so called breach was when I raised my hand half way and passive when I am crossing the road and a car is near.Said car did not stop which was dangerous this car belonged to one of neighbours and he then lied to police he thought I was flagging him down!

    I have also been questioned about wearing my lanyard kissing my cat pretending to look for my cat so I can have contact with these people.i asked a neighbour who was  a friend for some support when i got my CPW IN the post just after I retuned from the vet having had to do an emergency euthanasia.I was in a state neighbour said to one of people who is my accusers what a bad time I was having and i was then accused of indirect contact.

    Basically Mother Theresa would struggle with my conditions when there is agent provocateur and so much provocation