Newly Diagnosed 30 year old - ASD report next steps

Hi all,

I received my ASD diagnosis (level 1) a couple of weeks ago and felt an immediate sense of validation and exhaustion. However, I received my report yesterday and it was quite shocking to see all my problems laid out in a 13 page document... 

I'm feeling better after some sleep but wondered if anyone had any tips for the next steps? I'm planning to print it out today and start working through it systematically. The resources seem ok but they are very unspecific (e.g. they haven't said you have X trait so Y resource would help). 

  • They are strange things, these reports. Mine described my quirks as "differences". I didn't mind it too much because I was so relieved that I was officially autistic. I would have thought I was a crazy alien otherwise.

    I've been sitting on mine for around two months now. This forum and joining a local group were my next steps.

    I obviously don't know your report, but I hope that you aren't seeing it as a list of things to change about yourself, and more about finding ways to accommodate them better.

  • They are strange things, these reports. Mine described my quirks as "differences". I didn't mind it too much because I was so relieved that I was officially autistic. I would have thought I was a crazy alien otherwise.

    I've been sitting on mine for around two months now. This forum and joining a local group were my next steps.

    I obviously don't know your report, but I hope that you aren't seeing it as a list of things to change about yourself, and more about finding ways to accommodate them better.

  • Thank you, I definitely feel more that way after having some time to sit on it. I think I just found it jarring to see everything all at once - including things I hadn't even realised. It identifies a few other things that I wasn't aware of but am now self-conscious of (though I'm working to move through that). 

    I've been reading a few books which have been really helpful in improving my own knowledge and understanding and reinforcing that kindness toward myself.