Has/does this happened to anyone?

whenever a certain word triggers me it sends like a physical shock into my brain (best way for me to describe it) It’s the oddest thing and only really has happened so far with certain words. I’ve tried to look things up online but not finding much. Was just curious if anyone else seems to get this?  

  • When I get really triggered, sometimes I feel a physical warm wave go through my body. It's not pleasant. I think what I'm feeling is actually the stress hormone flowing through. I am very sensitive. 

  • That's Cortisol. (plus possibly adrenaline)

    I only get 'triggered' when i'm physically threatened, the words have little to do with that, its the intent, (i;m only 'triggered' through body language- aka intimdiation)  and the dangerousness of the individual before me, and wether I think i can take them in a fight. The more I think i can deal with them, the more defiant and sarcastic i might be inclined, but if i Know they are stronger than me and tough, i'm more polite and accommodating

    A warm wave sounds like embarrassment, Thats why people blush. When I get triggered. Its more a tensing up and like being on a rollercoaster, i feel and bit strange,(loss of resolve)  like a slight loss in blood sugar, (weakness) if somebody is suddenly acting like a possible threat (fear for my safety)

  • It's not embarrassment that I'm feeling. It's threat.

    I did blush last week, when a guy I know said something to me, and I wasn't sure quite how it was meant. But it was funny. 

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