Has/does this happened to anyone?

whenever a certain word triggers me it sends like a physical shock into my brain (best way for me to describe it) It’s the oddest thing and only really has happened so far with certain words. I’ve tried to look things up online but not finding much. Was just curious if anyone else seems to get this?  

  • It sounds like you have cPTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder) which is incredibly common amongst autists.

    Some have major events that caused it but most have an accumulation of smaller events stemming from rejection or overload from their autistic traits that cause it.

    There is a good article explaining this here:


  • Yes I have had the same thing happen and I do think it's a micro trauma, certain words and actions that seem so small can be so shocking and vexatious to the soul, I think context matters too, if someone refers to my dog as a ***, I grit my teeth as I don't like it but I know its the correct word for a female dog especially in certain circles. If I'm walking down the street and pass someone who muttes it at me then it feels much more serious and shocking.

  • Yes I have had the same thing happen and I do think it's a micro trauma, certain words and actions that seem so small can be so shocking and vexatious to the soul, I think context matters too, if someone refers to my dog as a ***, I grit my teeth as I don't like it but I know its the correct word for a female dog especially in certain circles. If I'm walking down the street and pass someone who muttes it at me then it feels much more serious and shocking.

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