I don't feel the same as many of you

I feel like an outsider here, my experiences seem very diferent, my interests different, the things I do or don't do are different. The books I find helpful or not are different. Most of you seem like lovely people, so I'm not having a go at any of you, but I just feel like I don't really belong here with the rest of you, I don't feel like it's imposter syndrome, more like I stick out like a sore thumb because of some of the above. I feel like I'm irritating people because of my differences, here I feel almost as much of an outsider as I do in NT company.

  • I feel the same way sometimes. I’ve always felt like I’m not very smart and everyone here seems super clever. I think it’s amazing that we are all so different but all have something in common. I’m not a big poster and really have to think about what I say and if it’s ok. It is the same for me when I have a face to face conversation….. my words don’t come easily which makes me seem like a bit of drip. I enjoy reading a lot of people’s contributions on here and you make a lot of them TheCatWomen so keep up the good work. 

  • I feel the same way sometimes. I’ve always felt like I’m not very smart and everyone here seems super clever. I think it’s amazing that we are all so different but all have something in common. I’m not a big poster and really have to think about what I say and if it’s ok. It is the same for me when I have a face to face conversation….. my words don’t come easily which makes me seem like a bit of drip. I enjoy reading a lot of people’s contributions on here and you make a lot of them TheCatWomen so keep up the good work. 

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