Is the stereotype true that Autistic people like repetitive music?

I've always enjoyed electronic dance music as long as I can remember. Have been into DJing and music production since a young teenager. 

I like most forms of trance - psy, uplifting, tech, vocal, progressive; as well as DnB, progressive house and tech/deep house 

  • I tried going to a club where a DJ was playing back in 2013. Hated the atmosphere personally. 

  • Orbital - Brown Album. Wow. 

    Halycon On and On is one of the best songs I've ever heard in my entire life. 

    Hot Since 82 - So High. Had that on repeat when I first heard it. Heard it off Gareth Emery's DJ set (if you know the name at all?)

  • I've always enjoyed electronic dance music as long as I can remember

    Me too. Early days I remember hearing a track by Orbital called Chime in 1990, I’ve been hooked ever since and still listen to all that stuff today. Being part of that club culture made me feel like I fitted in. Two of my fave Dj’s are Miguel Campbell and Hot Since 82. 

  • I've always liked dance music, but I have always had a very wide ranging taste in music (pop, rock, prog, metal, classical and more).

    During lockdown when lots of DJs were streaming, I discovered Happy Hardcore and that then progressed into Frenchcore and Gabber. It's quite an acquired taste - I don't know anyone personally who appreciates those genres as much as I do.
    One of the things that I like about them is that they are repetitive and have a good "kick ass" beat.

    Curious? Have a listen to the likes of SEFA, Dr Peacock, Scott Brown to name but a few.
    Feeling brave? Check out Sunhiausa
    Feeling extra brave? Allow Aekhloria to stimulate your senses

    ENJOY! I'd be interested to hear your feedback on these Metal

  • when something gets stuck in my head, its all i will really want to listen to for a while. this usually happens with a few songs at a time

  • I like all different sorts of music, not jazz though, I find it irritating, amibient music like Schpongle, reggae,some opera as long as it's not to screechy or sounds like the singer has their head in a bucket.

    Most of all I'm interested in vocals, anything from Zadock the Priest, to Florence and the Machine, when I still had the voice to sing, I'd just sing along trying to match my voice to that of the person I was singing along too. It was only just before I lost my singing voice that I found out how good it was, a group of us were having a sing along and one guy was a former choir master from the monastry at Iona and was amazed that he couldn't find a not I couldn't sing and that I sing them with vibratto too.

  • I'd not heard this before but it makes sense to me.

    Two of my favourite pieces of classical music are repetitive:

    Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part:

    and Trois Gnossiennes by Erik Satie:

  • I remember hearing Kraftwerks "The Robots" on a decent stereo back in 1978 and being instanty transfixed by their rythm.

    It was like nothing I'd ever heard before...

  • I was not aware that such a stereotype existed! 

    I used to like electronic dance and trance in the 90s but it's not so much my cup of tea now I'm older. I like classical, ambient and 80s stuff. But most 80s pop is repetitive - for example West End Girls by Pet shop boys or Can't get you out of my head by Kylie.

  • Yes Catwoman, a lot of styles of music repeat sequences of notes a lot. A standard "pop" song has verses and a chorus which repeats, sometimes with a short different sequence in the middle known as a bridge, which is often instrumental.

    Classical music does usually repeat sequences of notes, but as it's instrumental it doesn't have the more obvious repetition of the choruses in most music with vocals. As far as I'm aware, jazz is the least repetitive and most unstructured style of music and many people (including me) find it difficult to like. But some ambient music is also not very repetitive and I like that style - easy to daydream to.

    What music / songs do you like?

  • I got really into dance/house music as a teenager in the early 90s, and even worked as a DJ for a while. These days I like all sorts, but I do return to the same songs over and over again. That's something I've always done. I play the song to death until I finally get bored of it.

  • Anything with a good canter from pop, rock, reggae to classical… but more inclined to repeat one song infinitum 

  • I enjoy indie music across an array of genres, and while I don’t have a preference either way if the music itself is repetitive, I will often enjoy listening to a favourite song over and over again (as in, on repeat). It’s soothing, I guess? 

  • Interesting thread - I’ve always liked all of the 80’s music from my teens and especially the gay artists - and I’m a huge Kylie Minogue fan as well 

  • Always a delight to see a repeat appearance of you AuTriker.  Hello again.

  • For me it has always been true but till recently I had no idea it’s an autistic thing! When I was a teenager and I listened the same song (Britney spears stronger) my sister entered my room furiously and threatened to throw my player out of the window and vomit on top of my bed if I play the same song one more time. So since then I use earphones. And I keep playing the same song again and again hours days weeks etc. (not Britney Spears anymore) 

  • We're all different. Personally I hate repetitive anything, it makes me angry. I get earworms very easily so unless I am trying to learn a song I avoid playing the same track too much and get annoyed if my husband does, even if it is music I like.

  • Dosent lots of different styles of music have a repetitive beat? Reggae for example, even some classical music, I think that without some sort of repitition music just becomes chaotic? But then I know nothing about music except what I like.

  • Yes Joy!  I already have an artist name, though.