Is the stereotype true that Autistic people like repetitive music?

I've always enjoyed electronic dance music as long as I can remember. Have been into DJing and music production since a young teenager. 

I like most forms of trance - psy, uplifting, tech, vocal, progressive; as well as DnB, progressive house and tech/deep house 

  • "everyday" by Buddy Holly, "Box of rain", grateful dead", "Sweet Baby James" James Taylor.. a few others. when I get going it can last an hour on one song. You?

  • Thats great! I have never been at any concert, sadly. And I agree. The older songs/albums are way way nicer, imo.

  • I'm the opposite and find metal or rock of any kind grate on me, there are a couple of tracks I like, but not more than that.

    Country and Western makes me want to scream, I really hate it.

  • Just listening to the album Orbital 2 again…. I had forgotten how amazing this is so thank you for reminding me! 

  • Halycon is amazing also. Yes I do love that track and hasn’t dated at all

  • Heard it off Gareth Emery's DJ set (if you know the

    I don’t know that name but will definitely check that out thank you. 

  • I’m a big fan of Muse. Seen them live many times. Having said that, I think that their more recent albums have been bit meh. Much prefer their early stuff up to snd including Blackholes

  • I have found myself listening to 'The Kills' as there is something repetitive and quirky about the percussion and guitar

  • I like heavy metal a lot. Especially melodic death or metalcore or black metal. I do not identify myself with the lyrics of the songs I am listening to or the bands, I simply enjoy the music not caring about anything else. Currently I am listening to Behemoth, Agalloch and Trivium. I enjoy listening one song over and over, can be even for weeks. Little extreme there.

    I also like some alternative rock (like Muse) or rock. Sadly a lot of music genres I do not like at all so I am a bit stuck with my taste.

    When I was a kid/teenager (90s) I was mainly listening to rock and alternative and a little dance. To be fair I didnt really get into metal as nobody I knew listened to it.

    I do not like folk, hiphop, classical or anything sounding romantical, it makes me feel unpeaceful inside. Metal and rock make me feel very very peaceful and balanced out (I am generally very balanced, but this is like the last thing I need to be very balanced).

  • My mum and dad's wedding tune!

  • I like Baroque, for its mathematical structure and that you can often predict the way the melody will go.

    Me too.

    Lots comes to mind, but in particular Handel's The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba.

  • i listen t the same song over and over, even.

  • I was big into house music in the late 80s early 90s which I listened to on my Walkman. It’s only recently since my autism diagnosis that I have realised that listening to this kind of repetitive music was connected to my autism. I don’t listen to this kind of music anymore, listen to rock, indie, metal now, but I can listen to the same album 6 times on repeat

  • It’s interesting, there are some repetitive sounds that make me dizzy crazy angry idk what else, but if it’s my music - again and again never ending repeat story and I enjoy it 

  • In classical instrumental music I like Baroque, for its mathematical structure and that you can often predict the way the melody will go. I hate the Romantic period it is too emotional for me to cope with. In contrast, for vocal music the more emotional the better: flamenco, delta blues, Edith Piaf etc. are just up my street.

  • Kate Bush is amazing! I love Kate Bush. My wife loves Florence and the Machine. 

    'They' say that Jazz is more fun for the performers than the listener. I'm not a fan either.

  • I forgot to mention my long standing love of Scottish and Irish folk music and Kate Bush who I think is a genius who has influenced so many peope from so many different musical styles and backgrounds.

    I also love Carl Orf's, Oh Fortuna, if you're unfamiliar with it listen to the real version than find the one where people have made up the lyrics based on what they think they hear, it's hilarious.

    I also have an interest in medieval music, the likes of John Byrd and Thomas Tallis, anyone who can write a 42 part harmony is brilliant. It shows something I've thought for a long time, that whilst Italy painted and sculted the Renaisanse, England wrote the sound track for it. Our music was one of the wonders of Europe.

  • I have a soft spot for 80s pop tbh. Its very atmospheric and dreamy. 

  • Scott Brown - Blue Anthem and Blue Room are great tunes, and have aged so well.