funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • I am trying an experiment by seeing if I can upload an animated gif that I have just created. (DIDN'T WORK. Uploaded but too big Cry)

    I have posted this photo before.

    Several months ago now, I saw movement one day out of the corner of my eye and realised that a bat had got caught in a large glass vase. It was sooooo cute. I tipped it out outside seconds after this and it had a little sniff around and then flew away. I don't know how it got in. I was so happy for days. I have not seen any signs of bats since.

  • Last one for now as this sweaty Betty is about to sit in front of an air con unit.

    This otter has a speech bubble over his head that says 'hello'.

  • This one is 13 years old.

    I like the combination of the 'flood' sign along with the birds enjoying themselves in the flood water.

  • Thank you.

    We have a squirrel feeder for them now that we fill with nuts but they just eat anything they can get their little paws on.

  • A grey squirrel trying to imitate a bird.

    Poor disguise.

  • Your thread, your rules! OK - I'll remember that in future. I will slowly go backwards through my photos. I do tend to take pictures of animals on holiday.

  • most cats and dogs are domesticated. depending on the country there are wild ones. if there are  wild cats and dogs in a certain  country it is ok to post them cause there out in the wild but not animals that are either brought up by people or bought and owned by people  cause there not truely wild animals and are considered un natural predators. its just wild animals rather than pets or domestic animals like cats and dogs if that is ok?  

  • EDIT: Zo would understandably like to keep this for wildlife (I should have read the title!). So I have taken down this picture so as not to pollute the thread. We'll all end up posting our pets - so it is a good rule.


    Neighbor's cat on our plastic roof outside of our bedroom window.

    One of the things that I love about cats is that when you see one somewhere, and no matter how far away, they are probably already looking at you.

  • thanks. thats ok  if you dont have any photos or didnt get any at the time.  when you see something funny with wildlife then you can share the story with us like you have just now. thanks for shareing the story.

  • What a great idea you have come up with. Relaxed

    I don't have any photos that I can share, but there was an occasion a few years ago when I had spotted a squirrel in my garden appearing to play ball with a manky orange that I'd thrown out. I had found it rather an amusing sight to watch.

    Quite often I see things from my windows, but I'm too busy enjoying the moment to think of grabbing my camera. 

  • thanks.  it will be interesting to see them if you  have any funny ones. they dont need  to be old ones they can be old or  new ones. so even if you cant find any old ones  you can still send any funny moments with wildlife if you see any or  take any photos of it 

  • Cool thread! I'll have to dig though my old photos to see if I ever got anything like that.