funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • Wasps/Bees - wasps do annoy me, so I will look at those links. I do have a bee hotel though. It's fully booked!

    (I posted that picture on the board a while back. It still looks the same today. I'll be so pleased when they come out. Those 'scratches' in the middle section are from some of the bees using the wood to help fill in the holes.)

  • I can underatand but  it would be easyer for me aswell as others if we stuck to the thread the conversations were on. this thread is only for funny moments not sireous ones so changeing the topic to one discussed on a different thread would comfuse everyone including me and make it even harder to keep track of so would it be ok to bring the paragraph not related to wildlife to the relevent thread where it was discussed its about  wildlife hidays but also where I decided to give an update  the other thread, iv only ever discussed it on wildlife holidays. no whete else.  to make things easyer you can bookmark the threads we talk on and find it in bookmarks 

  • Totally fine and understandable.

  • thanks I didnt mean to be a pain or anything its just that only those whov seen the wildlife holidaya thread would undertand the whole situation and what its all about and so I would rather continue the discussion there than on the funny thread that is the main reason I do have anothet update on the whole thing aswell 

    I dont know what my position is on pms yet but I dont mind people adding me on pm for me to acept or reject regardless of weather iv added them yet or not so im not going to turn down your request but not going to acept the request yet either if thats ok with you but since youv added me as a friend  for pm purposes the option is there for me anyway so its good you added me jist in case cause then the option is still there and I think I prefer it this way anyway at least for now.

    for the thing you said though I will respond to it on the wildlife hploday thread. I have another update so will be adding it to the thread anyway so may aswell continue the discussion there for now 

  • thanks I didnt mean to be a pain or anything its just that only those whov seen the wildlife holidaya thread would undertand the whole situation and what its all about and so I would rather continue the discussion there than on the funny thread that is the main reason I do have anothet update on the whole thing aswell 

    I dont know what my position is on pms yet but I dont mind people adding me on pm for me to acept or reject regardless of weather iv added them yet or not so im not going to turn down your request but not going to acept the request yet either if thats ok with you but since youv added me as a friend  for pm purposes the option is there for me anyway so its good you added me jist in case cause then the option is still there and I think I prefer it this way anyway at least for now.

    for the thing you said though I will respond to it on the wildlife hploday thread. I have another update so will be adding it to the thread anyway so may aswell continue the discussion there for now 

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