Ways to get to sleep

I know a lot of people on here struggle with insomnia and so I just wanted to ask a few questions about it see if anyone can help me

First of all, does it get worse for any of you when going through times of change? Whenever I start a new job or have some other change in my life it becomes unbearable. I just cant sleep no matter how tired I am or what techniques I try and my head drives me mad imagining things and being anxious while I am awake

Secondly, what techniques have you guys found works to help with insomnia? Like routines before bed, sleeping medicine, anything? 

Really cant carry on like this every night 

  • I suffer terribly with insomnia, it's way worse when I'm stressed. I can usually get to sleep it's staying there is another thing entirely.

    First try and follow the sleep hygiene guide. Cut out caffeine after 3pm, avoid smoking and alcohol. No screens at least an hour before bedtime.Make sure your sleeping environment is right, dark, quiet room at the right temperature for you. Some people try white noise or sleep sounds (rainfall etc) but I find them distracting.

    As I said I can get to sleep, I do what's called "body scanning". I concentrate on my toes and breath slowly, deeply and then gradually move up my body (feet, ankles etc etc), I suppose it's a bit like counting sheep in a way. It's just a way to relax and distract yourself.

    Meds don't work for me and I hate the hangover from them.

    My next step is acupuncture as I've even tried hypnotherapy.

    Good luck and take care.

  • I suffer terribly with insomnia, it's way worse when I'm stressed. I can usually get to sleep it's staying there is another thing entirely.

    First try and follow the sleep hygiene guide. Cut out caffeine after 3pm, avoid smoking and alcohol. No screens at least an hour before bedtime.Make sure your sleeping environment is right, dark, quiet room at the right temperature for you. Some people try white noise or sleep sounds (rainfall etc) but I find them distracting.

    As I said I can get to sleep, I do what's called "body scanning". I concentrate on my toes and breath slowly, deeply and then gradually move up my body (feet, ankles etc etc), I suppose it's a bit like counting sheep in a way. It's just a way to relax and distract yourself.

    Meds don't work for me and I hate the hangover from them.

    My next step is acupuncture as I've even tried hypnotherapy.

    Good luck and take care.

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