Dont know whether Im coming or going

Having a really tough time at the moment. Does anyone else feel the desperate need to be busy but then feel overwhelmed when you are busy? Its like catch 22. If Im not busy I get depressed and my head has time to think and go on loops and anxiety but then if Im busy it overwhelms my head and I get poorly mentally anyway. 

Dont really know what to do or whether Im coming or going

Having burnout but hate being sat at home all day and need to work both mentally and financially

Any support or advice would be lovely

  • I'm sorting muddled "fixings" into appropriate groupings (size, nature, use etc).......have been doing so for a while now!

    Billy - it's all about balance, in my opinion.  If I have a massive burst on my banjo one day, or week, or month [I can keep going if I need to] .... I now realise that there IS a pay-back period.....eventually.  I am coming to the opinion that regularity is ideal.....but that this doesn't suit how I work / find work - therefore, I just need to allow myself to be "useless" when I have finished, "doing a thing."

  • I understand what you mean. Its like during the burst of energy I almost feel "normal" but then once its over and ive done loads of things I feel almost completley debiliated, like even lying on the bed is an effort. 

    The trouble is that way of working might work for us but it doesnt work for most jobs. Its difficult to explain to a boss why your a super achiever and the dream employee one day and barely able to get out of bed and go to work the next

  • Yes - bang on!  I seem to get away with my "proclivities" on the basis that - when I do "produce" - it is overwhelmingly thorough, and beyond reproach........and therefore, people will wait for me to get my metaphorical mental ducks in a row.  I know that this is a privileged position to find myself......but then again, it has taken me half a century of bashing my head against a brick wall, to get myself to this position.

  • Supply? Better or worse? Unknown quantity in an unfamiliar school, but maybe more time away? 

    Otherwise it's inflexible, the academic year.

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