First Post

Hello All,

This is my first post. I am currently waiting for an ASD and ADHD test, the process is going very slowly as I have dyslexia and filling out forms is one thing that I really struggle with.

I am 45 and have been on this journey for a year. It started when I had another period of not leaving the house or talking or really struggling to communicate with people. This has happened in various periods over my life ranging from 3 months to 6 weeks. After the last episode it began to occur to me that this may be autistic overwhelm/burnout. I spoke to my very nice GP who gave me the screening questions and that is how it all started. Since then I have been looking back over lots of things in my life that make more sense through an autism lense. 

I am very lucky to have  a very good therapist that is supporting me but I don't have anyone else to talk to about these things, as trying to communicate the complexity of what I am feeling is difficult. So I thought I would try hear, I don't like writing and typing but thought it might help to feel less alone with these things.

I want the tests to hurry up so I know one way or the other. If I am autistic and have ADHD that's fine by me I just really want to understand myself better. My biggest issue is how to relate this to everyone else, who mostly don't believe me because they never see when I am struggling as mostly I manage to keep it to myself. I don't mean to but trying to get people to understand is exhausting.

Hoping some of you inderstand

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