How to help

Hi all, I am reaching out for some advice and guidance on how to help my neighbour with her autistic 17-year-old son.

My neighbour lives alone with her son who is non verbal. 

He never leaves the house, not even to go in the garden. He throws things into our garden from his bedroom window which we've never had an issue with but recently we have had knives and scissors thrown.

There is regular disorder which I understand but recently it has got worse with him trying to smash the windows, I think because he is locked in his bedroom. His mom also seems to be loosing her temper and shouting and he is screaming and it truly sounds scary.

He has also managed to get out the house on a number of occasions and has hit other smaller children in the street and hit his mom. 

I have tried to talk to his mom and ask her what we can do, but she just says she is fine and not to worry.

But I am worried, I am worried for her and I am for him. 

I suppose I am posting on here to try and get some advice on how to help her and also what sort of help is available to her from support agencies. Maybe I can convince her to reach out for the support (if any exists) and also get him out the house and make his life better.

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