Alcohol usage

I came across an article a few years back that says people on the autistic spectrum are four times more likely to become alcohol dependent or a full blown alcoholic. I personally have always loved drinking alcohol but recently I fear I have become dependent or worse. Recent events have caused me to be warned by the police about my behaviour. Other things have contribruted to this rise in alcohol usage. Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life? What are your thoughts and opinions?

  • I fear I have become dependent or worse.
    Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life?

    I drank too much for the same reasons. I'm in the process of addressing it, after my ASD report said I was dependent (seeing it in black and white provided the kick I needed).

    I'd always found alcohol very effective in relieving stress and quietening my mind (felt calmer, happier, better able to make decisions, get things done, etc). But I also worried about the negative impacts. 

    After my diagnosis, I started on medical cannabis, which my psychiatrist had felt could be a better solution for me (other meds hadn't been helpful or had caused issues with side effects). 

    Initially, I carried on drinking, but at a lower level (stopping suddenly isn't advised and I found the Drinkaware app great for tracking and motivation).

    For the last four months, I've been off alcohol completely. I honestly don't miss it and am pleased with how it's going. Cannabis is giving me similar benefits, without any of the old downsides. 

    I hope you can find an alternative solution for your own needs. No pressure intended, but talking to your GP could be a great first step?

  • I fear I have become dependent or worse.
    Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life?

    I drank too much for the same reasons. I'm in the process of addressing it, after my ASD report said I was dependent (seeing it in black and white provided the kick I needed).

    I'd always found alcohol very effective in relieving stress and quietening my mind (felt calmer, happier, better able to make decisions, get things done, etc). But I also worried about the negative impacts. 

    After my diagnosis, I started on medical cannabis, which my psychiatrist had felt could be a better solution for me (other meds hadn't been helpful or had caused issues with side effects). 

    Initially, I carried on drinking, but at a lower level (stopping suddenly isn't advised and I found the Drinkaware app great for tracking and motivation).

    For the last four months, I've been off alcohol completely. I honestly don't miss it and am pleased with how it's going. Cannabis is giving me similar benefits, without any of the old downsides. 

    I hope you can find an alternative solution for your own needs. No pressure intended, but talking to your GP could be a great first step?

  • You have pretty well just mirrored me, I’m  into my fifth month after drinking far too much for 40 years. Alcohol just seemed to make the world more normal. It’s not always easy but I know there will be people waiting for me to fail, that gives me the blo*dy mindedness to carry on. I don’t think about alcohol so much now and keep busy, my bank account has definitely noticed a big difference.