Don't remember my childhood

I'm recently diagnosed both adhd (in December) and autistic (3 weeks ago) and, while I can see my autistic traits as an adult, I really can't remember a huge amount in my childhood. I'm 49 so it's been a long time since I was even a teenager and my mum has been filling in a few things, but I really don't remember a lot. I remember social stuff, like only having a small group of friends and preferring to be in the library rather than out in a huge group, but I don't remember how anything made me feel. Like I don't remember any sensory issues or meltdowns or anything like that. My mum says I was quite an anxious kid and I would get upset about odd things, but I really don't remember any of it. Anyone else late diagnosed and understand this? It's really frustrating when I'm trying to piece everything together.

  • I don't have many early memories either. I'm concerned that this will make it hard to get a definite diagnosis (currently on a long waiting list). I do however remember some meltdowns in pre-teens but not knowing why.

  • I don't have many early memories either. I'm concerned that this will make it hard to get a definite diagnosis (currently on a long waiting list). I do however remember some meltdowns in pre-teens but not knowing why.
