Should I get a diagnose?

I am 42 years Old and working as a researcher in a multi-national company.

I have a 10 years Old son who is not-speaking autistic. my daughter, 12 years Old recently got diagnosed with autism, She has mild autism and ADD. I can relate my childhood with her. I had social anxiety and still to some extent, I get very emotional with other people behavior. I am also good at remembering number and small details and can find a solution that other people cannot think. Few traits that really hinders me but few traits really helps me at my work.

Should I get a diagnose for autism at this stage of my life? Do you think it would be helpful to confirm that I have autism. 


Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks for sharing the article it’s really helpful. As for hearing that it’s “trendy” to be autistic, sadly I heard sort of such comment from a professional… and it made me even more unwilling to seek such a diagnosis. I felt very much misunderstood and invalidated and also gaslit. So it’s also crucial to find a good therapist.