problem behaviour?


has anyone noticed if you tried to get help or diagnosis and perhaps are waiting in long que, your medical report will say "problem behaviour" in it and everyone ever getting a med report against you wont know what that means and will think your unreasonable and violent and a problem person? lol

does this "problem behaviour" label stay on your med report even after diagnosis? 

or do i have it on because i argued with my gp one time and called them useless? lol

  • I don't know man but it seems to me like their problem. The thing is tho, you need to get through them to get help which is a bummer. I had to go through an examination by a bunch of worthless idiots who didn't even know the simplest thing about autism (they weren't even psychologists for fucks sake) to get validated by the government for help, even though I was already diagnosed by a real psychiatrist, and they even postponed my appointment I waited for months because I didn't have a document I wasn't supposed to have. And guess what. I will have to go through this again after some time. As if autism is not permanent and is seperate from my identity. This shows you how oblivious the world really is about autism and how little they care about learning and helping instead of trying to do eugenics and fucking "cure" autism (Autism Speaks reference). 

    All that matters to them is how it looks like. Doesn't matter if you are struggling, if you mask well enough you are not deemed autistic and suddenly you stop being autistic because you act neurotypical? I see why you called them useless. It's beacause they are. But letting your honest autistic self out isn't good enough for them to pick up as an autistic trait and obviously they didn't like it, because their little NT brain is bothered by honesty when it's not what they wnat to hear.

    Unfortunately, what I would suggest is to try to highlight your autistic traits that fit the stereotype they have in mind (like not being able to have friends, not being able to make eye contact, being bullied at school, stimming in ways they find "weird") or if you are already officially diagnosed to threaten them you will sue them for not letting you have help you desrve  idk.

  • I don't know man but it seems to me like their problem. The thing is tho, you need to get through them to get help which is a bummer. I had to go through an examination by a bunch of worthless idiots who didn't even know the simplest thing about autism (they weren't even psychologists for fucks sake) to get validated by the government for help, even though I was already diagnosed by a real psychiatrist, and they even postponed my appointment I waited for months because I didn't have a document I wasn't supposed to have. And guess what. I will have to go through this again after some time. As if autism is not permanent and is seperate from my identity. This shows you how oblivious the world really is about autism and how little they care about learning and helping instead of trying to do eugenics and fucking "cure" autism (Autism Speaks reference). 

    All that matters to them is how it looks like. Doesn't matter if you are struggling, if you mask well enough you are not deemed autistic and suddenly you stop being autistic because you act neurotypical? I see why you called them useless. It's beacause they are. But letting your honest autistic self out isn't good enough for them to pick up as an autistic trait and obviously they didn't like it, because their little NT brain is bothered by honesty when it's not what they wnat to hear.

    Unfortunately, what I would suggest is to try to highlight your autistic traits that fit the stereotype they have in mind (like not being able to have friends, not being able to make eye contact, being bullied at school, stimming in ways they find "weird") or if you are already officially diagnosed to threaten them you will sue them for not letting you have help you desrve  idk.

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