Does anyone else buy lots of the same items of clothing ?

If I find a top I like, usually black or navy plain and stretch comfy material for example.  I will buy 5 or more of them so I can keep wearing them without having to wear different clothing. 

Does anyone else do this?

  • I haven't often done this, but I have often wished that I did, as I like to wear the same things over and over. I remember once I bought two identical (and indestructible) pairs of trousers for work, so I could alternate between them. I wore them pretty much every day for years. I now wish I'd bought more. I never really gave any consideration to what my colleagues might have thought. I felt comfortable not having to present a different image.

  • hello

    as a child i was forced to wear what my stupid mother wanted and deemed suitable to her causing my stress and up set 

    I got told i was drama queen over sensitive. there the polite ways of putting it. she bought me a dress more like a wedding dress with netting i looked like a massive cake with bows, ribbing flowers god awful

    some stuff plain stupid for child dry clean wool coat fur trim it got worne once.

    I also wasnt allowed to have my hair cut because it had to be long. which ment knotts she was alway curling over night curlers and or tightly scrapped back casuing pain. 

  • Although I used to wear a wider variety of clothes when I was younger (and prior to diagnosis), my autistic uniform of choice is a variety of coloured polo shirts combined with walking trousers or walking shorts (depending on the season). Unlike most other people here, I mainly wear man-made fibres (nylon, polyamide etc), as I can get quite sweaty (TMI!) and I don't like the feeling of damp cotton against my skin.

  • hello

    yes i do and  have cut all tags out and wash them. i cant wear them straight from shop even with tags out. i will only but certain items from certain shops.

  • Having twenty identical pairs of socks greatly increases the chance of finding a pair, which makes life a lot simpler.

  • Me too! After years of uniforms at school then working in a shop, I don't like anything that smacks of a uniform (removal of freedom of choice, and homogeneity). I might wear the same clothes for a week if they don't need washed, but I prefer wearing different colours, and rarely match anything. I have one style of top in 3 different colours, but they are similar design not identical. They will be worn until they have holes and are falling to bits.

    I don't like wearing man-made fibres, and try to stick to cotton, cotton jersey materials. Nylon, including tights, are horrible next to my skin. Wools and mohair are pretty jaggy too.

  • Haha yes I do. I am obsessed with cardigans, and i frequently buy multiple of the same. I buy one, then I buy a back up, then I buy a back up of a backup in case the backup gets ruined, then if I really really like it I’ll buy a back up of a back up of back up. I love cardigans 

  • oh yes. my entire wardrobe consists of 15 t-shirts all the same and 5 pairs of shorts all the same.  interesting to note the change of materials or construction when i have bought the 'same' item of clothing at different times.

    i don't know what the rest is... but i know i don't wear it.

  • [raises hand]

    trouble's been, recently, the item changes fabric/price/availability so quickly.

    I buy online for 95% of my clothing. I loved the Robert Stock silk button downs and they were my go-to a good decade or so. Now.. sad.

  • I think I am in the minority here, as I have never felt compelled to buy multiple identical items of clothing, unless it is something like a multi-pack of knickers that are all the same colour. If items of clothing are available in a choice of colours that appeal to me, then I will buy them (i.e. 1 navy top, 1 red top, 1 black top, 1 pink top).

    As a person who has always been drawn to colour, I like to mix and match what I wear. It would drive me crazy if I spent each day wearing identical items of clothing.

  • Yes, I buy the same trousers and shirts. I note with some amusement that posters advertising autism related events seem to feature people wearing red and black lumberjack shirts. Could this be a autistic uniform? I too, wear lumberjack shirts.

  • Yes, I do. I have lots of plain white, black and blue t-shirts and multiple pairs of 501s - the latter aren't cheap bu they're always cut the same so I've  collected them over the years.

  • I do tend to buy multiples of the same clothing, 80% of my clothes are navy blue or black, I normally buy loads of Primani £2 t-shirts, occasionally a burgundy one!

    Recently found denim jeans that were a perfect fit so ordered 6 pairs. Socks are always the same brand and type. Wool or the dreaded nylon is intolerable, as a child my mother bought bed sheets and shirts from a company called Bentford Nylons, I thought my skin was going to actually catch fire. I can’t even pick up an item made of nylon. 
    I wonder if some autistic people prefer dark colours so that  we don’t get noticed and camouflage into the crowd better,

  • No I don't, I like to wear different clothes according to mood and season and in different colours. I don't have the money to buy multiples of things and I wear my clothes to death.

    I have similar problems with nylon fabrics, they make me come over all peculiar, give me electric shocks and make my teeth hurt.

  • Thanks for all the replies. So nice to not feel alone with this.

    Yes it is definitely fabric, I need soft and stretchy for comfort.

    I thought it was mainly tops and trousers with me, but realise my jackets mainly look the same too.

    Yes also have 2 pairs of each favourite comfy shoe or boot.

    Yes it's a good idea to get different colours. I  have thought about other people wondering if i dont wear clean tops. I change tops daily but noone would know.

    I do buy different colured trousers  in the same type when I find comfy ones. But also multiple of same colours. 

    But with tops i can only wear plain black or navy. 

    I just don't feel right in other coloured tops. It upsets me I dont feel I can relax. So when my tops need replacing its a bit stressful,  so when I find that perfect combination of comfort and colour i buy loads!!

    I love bright colour dangly earrings as well so hopefully distracts and looks different to others on different days.

    Good to hear all your comments Blush

  • When I find something that is comfortable I tend to buy multiples. I have a specific sensory problem with synthetic textiles, the worst being nylon. If I touch nylon fabric, the revolting sensation lasts for minutes and I feel like curling into a ball and howling. So it makes clothes shopping - especially for waterproof coats - quite challenging.

  • Yes.... the question is if you mind people seeing you in the same cloths at a workplace or any other ocassions. I would try to consider different colours when you buy the same or nearly the same so that you would seem wearing different cloths and dressing more interesting that way.

  • Hi 

    I do this all the time with trainers, t shirts, hoodies and pretty much anything else. I buy the same but different colours and multiple of the same colour. This drives my partner crazy. I even have a favourite of the same and sometimes have to force myself to not leave the others out a wear them all. 

    I don’t have a clue why I do this but have had multiple pairs of the same trainers for as long as I can remember and can even remember the names of some of my standout favourites. 

  • I do! Everything that is comfy, mostly 70% cotton and 30% other fabrics like elastan and polierter. Usually black but not always I also have shirts with flowers. Always 2-3 same or similar items.