Does anyone else buy lots of the same items of clothing ?

If I find a top I like, usually black or navy plain and stretch comfy material for example.  I will buy 5 or more of them so I can keep wearing them without having to wear different clothing. 

Does anyone else do this?

  • [raises hand]

    trouble's been, recently, the item changes fabric/price/availability so quickly.

    I buy online for 95% of my clothing. I loved the Robert Stock silk button downs and they were my go-to a good decade or so. Now.. sad.

  • trouble's been, recently, the item changes fabric/price/availability so quickly

    Yes - drive me mental!......and causes me to buy multiple, multiple items when I know "it's right"......before the inevitable rotation of the planet (and its human innovators / cost savers) take their inevitable pound of flesh from my rarely found comfort and certainty !

  • trouble's been, recently, the item changes fabric/price/availability so quickly

    Yes - drive me mental!......and causes me to buy multiple, multiple items when I know "it's right"......before the inevitable rotation of the planet (and its human innovators / cost savers) take their inevitable pound of flesh from my rarely found comfort and certainty !

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