New Things and Thoughts going Round and Round

Hello Again,

I have two issues I wondered if people feel the same.

Do you dread new things.When ever for instance I change my mobile I get so anxious about will it work will everything move across.I actually prefer things that are older and just work.

For instance my SKY plus went wrong.They no longer repair so I am now on SKY Q it is so complex.I am actually avoiding watching TV.Then eventually I will get used to it and Sky will force us on top something else.

My other issue is my OCD mixing with my Autism.This presents in me being obsessional and the worst part for me is my brain is constantly sending me reminders.For instance if I am out say shopping I will remember there are two or three things I need to do.I will then keep saying it silently to myself till I can write it down.I have to have a to do list.if it looks a bit messy I then have to re write it.I have just tonight done my to do list for the rest of the month.I actually like the way it looks, however tomorrow when I start on it if it gets messy or I have to add something, I will end ups re writing it.

My goal is to have nothing on my to do list because I have done everything.I know this is ridiculous but it drives me .I guess when I was working it was my strength and success now it tires me out.

I would be very grateful to hear other peoples views.I also have anxiety so that makes me worry if I have not done something.

I look forward to your thoughts 

  • I am with you with new things. The worst thing now is that lots of things don't come with written instructions. We have a smart TV but I don't know what to do when it needs re tuning. I dread my phone needing replacing as it takes time to understand it.

    I was watching the Breakfast programme today and someone commented about making notes rather than phone and how it helps mental well-being. I live by notes and have to go over things in my head until I can write them down. I have a notebook by my seat at home. I use paper notes at work too. I find it very pleasing to see accomplished things crossed off the list.

  • I am with you with new things. The worst thing now is that lots of things don't come with written instructions. We have a smart TV but I don't know what to do when it needs re tuning. I dread my phone needing replacing as it takes time to understand it.

    I was watching the Breakfast programme today and someone commented about making notes rather than phone and how it helps mental well-being. I live by notes and have to go over things in my head until I can write them down. I have a notebook by my seat at home. I use paper notes at work too. I find it very pleasing to see accomplished things crossed off the list.

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