Having a better day today

So today has been better for me I have been working through my online therapy for my anxiety I made cheese cake for my friend who coming over mine tomorrow and I’ve been sleeping a lot throughout the day to recover from yesterday the come down is draining and tonight I’m going to my board game. 

  • so pleased for you I had a day from hell yesterday and can relate to the exhaustion you are feeling.What can sometimes happen with me is I then get a burst of energy and can be at my lap top emailing and doing calls all day.It is unpredictable autism but I actually have come to the conclusion it is me and i would not want a so called cure.To me it is the same as people thinking someones sexuality can be cured.

    By the way what flavour cheesecake I love madagascan vanilla

  • Ps re the alcohol avoidance and if I am being nosey tell me but is it choice or because of alcoholism.

    If it is alcoholism very well done and remember 24 hours at a time

  • I’m not an alcoholic i just want to cut down on the booze 

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