Newcastle meet up

Hi, I am currently going through a screening assessment for ASD. My psychologist said I scored very high for a strong indication of ASD and she also wants to screen me ADHD. I am to put it mildly not coping and beyond devastated. I literally have no one to talk to. I have started a new job two weeks ago and.dont want to employer (probably never will). It took immense strength to tell my husband. He just asked me what questions I was asked and said he would have replied the same so he must be autistic too. I don't want to sound all pitty me but no one I know gets it. I can't tell anyone, as I know what they'll all say and I'm not ready to hear that. 

Is there a meta up group in Newcastle somewhere where I can meet people who will "get it"? This will come across rude but I don't know how else to.put this. Is there a group where high functioning Fingers crossed meet up? I have worked as a support worker for people with level 3 who need round the clock care and although I'm sure they'll cheer me up I want to meet someone who I can talk with and relate to and ask advice and fingers crossed make a friendship Fingers crossed

Fingers crossed

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