Advice re divulging diagnosis at work

I was hoping I could ask for some advice.

I have been working in my new job since mid-April and have noticed that my work mates have become more and more frosty with me. On Friday, I told one of my colleagues about me having bipolar and she admitted that that could explain a lot about how I behave. She told me that I have come across as stand offish and as if I think I am better than everyone else. The thing is. It is not so much low mood and irritability that is the cause of this appearance. It is my autism.

I did not put down my autism on my job application or occupational health assessment. 

I have a three month meeting with my line manager this Wednesday. And I wondered what advice you would give about being totally open about what is going on. Pretending that it is my bipolar that is causing the problems. Or what?

Many thanks.

  • its best to tell them everything because if you withold information they can use your witholding of info as a reason to sack you. seen it happen myself.... although i work for a pretty bad employer, maybe yours isnt as worse. but if my employer thinks you held back info or wasnt honest theyd fire you outright. any info on applying for job and filling in data, if any of it was wrong or witheld info, any lie, theyd fire you. thats what my employer is like. not sure if thats the normality of employment or not. but its always best to be honest so that they cant fire you down the line for lying or witholding info.

    oh and your colleague sounds rude if she told you that she thinks your standoffish and thinks your better than others.... id be pretty insulted by that if i heard my colleagues thought that of me as it sounds kinda rude and like they have alot of negative opinions of you.

  • Dear Caelus, Yes, I am worried about what you have talked about. 

    I was pretty devastated to hear about what they had been saying about me. But the person who said it to me, I think she hoped it would help me to improve things.

  • tbh its the second part that would have got me if she said that, where she said you think your better than others.... id have read that alot of different ways as there are thousands of ways to read it from many angles and alot of them dont seem pleasant in my head to how that other person is viewing you. if she thinks you think your better than others does that mean she thinks she is better than you? thats one thing id be thinking of... if she then thinks she is better than you then you have to ask why she thinks that, because by her thinking you think your better than her than that means she thinks she is above you instead and looks down on you. thats one majour way id have seen that.

  • tbh its the second part that would have got me if she said that, where she said you think your better than others.... id have read that alot of different ways as there are thousands of ways to read it from many angles and alot of them dont seem pleasant in my head to how that other person is viewing you. if she thinks you think your better than others does that mean she thinks she is better than you? thats one thing id be thinking of... if she then thinks she is better than you then you have to ask why she thinks that, because by her thinking you think your better than her than that means she thinks she is above you instead and looks down on you. thats one majour way id have seen that.

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