Advice re divulging diagnosis at work

I was hoping I could ask for some advice.

I have been working in my new job since mid-April and have noticed that my work mates have become more and more frosty with me. On Friday, I told one of my colleagues about me having bipolar and she admitted that that could explain a lot about how I behave. She told me that I have come across as stand offish and as if I think I am better than everyone else. The thing is. It is not so much low mood and irritability that is the cause of this appearance. It is my autism.

I did not put down my autism on my job application or occupational health assessment. 

I have a three month meeting with my line manager this Wednesday. And I wondered what advice you would give about being totally open about what is going on. Pretending that it is my bipolar that is causing the problems. Or what?

Many thanks.

  • I might be wrong but the question was should you disclose to your employer. At this point in time time I would say think very carefully and use what you know about your employer to formulate your decision.

    As far as I am aware there is no need to disclose under law but if you think you might need some reasonable adjustments, then it might be a good idea to disclose to your manager . Do not give them permission to disclose or 'out' your autism.

    I find myself conflicted as I thought everything would be great if I disclosed and got my adjustments. In reality I am now being actively redeployed to god knows what and told I am incapable of doing my role (nearly 10 years) in a career span of 30 years with the same employer. I'm gutted!

    Do some reading of the equality act guidance from the EHRC as I suspect you will have to know your rights in order to get them.

    There may be better employers out there unlike mine. I can only give you my lived experience so far.

  • Dear Mr T, Thank you for your message. I feel angry about how you have been treated. I'm guessing that the Equality Act is not going to help in your case? I will have a look at the Act thank you.

  • I think I might have to go to tribunal and all that entails

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