Is ambiguity worse for you than rejection?

As a member of the community of people unable to read minds and pick up on social cues (!), I find someone not telling me where they stand on a particular thing to be worse for me than if they outright said yes or no.

E.g. if I expressed interest to meet a friend for the first time, and they just completely went silent, that is more torturous and excruciating than if they came back and said "thanks for the offer but no thanks" (or words to that effect).

  • Clarity in communication is what we need. I hate been in that strange ambiguous land with trying to work out every possible meaning of what or was not said. I often disappear down that rabbit hole!

  • Clarity in communication is what we need. I hate been in that strange ambiguous land with trying to work out every possible meaning of what or was not said. I often disappear down that rabbit hole!
