Do you consider your problems to be situational?

For example, while I don't expect that getting a job will solve everything for me, I expect it will take a significant amount of stress off my shoulders. 

You see the blanket statements on social media that "money doesn't buy happiness" - yes, it doesn't. However, it definitely improves your life.

I do consider a lot of my problems to be situational, if a few things changed here and there, it'd make a world of difference. If I switched my manual car for an automatic, I would enjoy driving more and not stress out as much.

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  • I've fully worked myself up into a state that it'll never be good enough. I've worked myself up into a state over needing a new car and I spiral with these things, I start saying things like "I'm never ever going to earn enough money to pay for a £3,000 car because no one will want to ever hire someone who is so rubbish at everything and even if they did, it'll be forever until I earn enough to buy one, and I hate my current car to the point I don't wish to drive it again if I could avoid it".

    But I know luck plays a part. 

  • ah yeah i do that. im often saying if i lose my job id never be able to get another. i say this so i dont quit my job or look for another and solidify myself into staying here in my current job which maybe bad for me and have rubbish times. but yeah it is highly likely id be in a 6 year job gap and i just cant afford that risk no more with having my own place. companies do discriminate against white men, thats the whole reason they pay divesity equality and inclusion staff massive wages for, to barr the company from hiring white men, thats the entire job role of dei staff