
Hi all - in a very bad way here.  I've not been diagnosed autistic (hence the question) but my self-harm, depression, introversion and misanthropy tend towards some of the symptoms you guys sadly have to deal with. 

Over the last 6 weeks of the Britsh general election, I've found it almost impossible to deal with the lies and halftruths which have been the constant diet and I think have reached my end point.  I don't want to react to bullshit with the red flash of righteous indignation, but I do.  So, are there meds/other things which enable some of the "noise" to go away?  I've been on Sertraline (min dose) for 20 years, but even that doesn't stop me flying into a rage when certain buttons are pressed.  I've considered keeping myself half-pissed (the only tme I feel any good) or stoned (don't want to smoke though, or hang around street corners - not my style) or usng CBD, about which I know nothing.

Just for background, I exercise regularly, but can't do meditation/mindfulness (have tried many times and it doesn't work for me) - so thought I'd ask, wthout much hope, whether there are prescription drugs (or CBD?) that "take the edge off" and would allow me to live half a life.


  • I don't want to react to bullshit with the red flash of righteous indignation, but I do.  So, are there meds/other things which enable some of the "noise" to go away?


    Stop reading the news and following social media - that will help tremendously.

    Sort yourself out a healthy diet, decent sleep regime and plenty of exercise and this will help too.

    By cutting out all the rubbish you get on your feeds you will be less agitated by it so change that energy you spend consuming / reacting to it by doing something positive. Read books, study something useful to you, help a charity or something.

    Thise things will help build confidence, capability and a feeling of self worth.

    The noise should subside once you are off the feeds for a while and this should help a lot if you go back and try mindfulness again. Meditation takes a bit more of a clear head to start with and this may well follow.

    Once you have been "digitally detoxed" for a few months then see if you still need your meds but check with your GP before coming off them as you may need to taper the dose..

    Being in that better headspace without the toxicity of the media should help you find more clarity on chosing a path to your interests / work / relationships etc that does not rely on chemicals to stay stable.

    All in my opinion of course.

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