Making phone calls / using Relay UK

Since being diagnosed, I’ve been finding ways to better manage my difficulties. One being phone calls - which thankfully I can avoid mostly by either using live chat or email, but sometimes there is no choice but to telephone. But when I’m speaking on the call I absolutely freeze up, and sometimes struggle with processing what the other people say. After giving it some time to pluck up the courage (usually days and after writing a script!) I can make a phone call, but I’ve been considering what other ways could work better as it’s exhausting having all this anxiety when I have to make a phone call. 

So I have been considering using Relay UK, which is a free service where someone else relays the phone call in text, practically turning it into live chat. This would make it so much easier and less daunting, and might mean I can deal with issues (e.g. phone call to DWP) a lot quicker. However on the other hand I’m conscious that relay UK is a service mainly for deaf people, and I wouldn’t want to take up this resource if that’s the case. To be fair, I can most of the time email or use live chat so can avoid phone calls, it’s just the odd occasions.

i was wondering if anyone else has used Relay Uk and isn’t deaf? is it wrong for me to use the service even though I’m not deaf? 

  • I think using Relay UK is a really great idea. It takes all the stress off you and that is key. I've never heard of this organisation before but I'll be giving them a try as well as phone calls is something I struggle as well. 

    When on the phone I freeze and at times go mute which is very embarrassing and awkward. Something I did previously was to preplan the call and write down what I might say, almost like an actor having a script to read before a play. It helped me prepare but unfortunately the freezing and mutism is still an ongoing problem. 

    I don't think it's wrong to try Relay UK. Their site says they help deaf, speech impaired people and autism and anxiety does affect people's speech and ability to speak so I would say we would be eligible for this. 

    They have an contact email so I'm going to email them, explain about my autism and see what they say. I'll let you guys know what they say. 

  • I think using Relay UK is a really great idea. It takes all the stress off you and that is key. I've never heard of this organisation before but I'll be giving them a try as well as phone calls is something I struggle as well. 

    When on the phone I freeze and at times go mute which is very embarrassing and awkward. Something I did previously was to preplan the call and write down what I might say, almost like an actor having a script to read before a play. It helped me prepare but unfortunately the freezing and mutism is still an ongoing problem. 

    I don't think it's wrong to try Relay UK. Their site says they help deaf, speech impaired people and autism and anxiety does affect people's speech and ability to speak so I would say we would be eligible for this. 

    They have an contact email so I'm going to email them, explain about my autism and see what they say. I'll let you guys know what they say. 
