Is scripting out answers a form of masking?

Hi everyone,

I recently had an interview with a charity supporting people with disabilities. I disclosed my autism and anxiety in my application, and they were incredibly accommodating—they provided the questions in advance, which made the interview much more manageable. I didn't even have to ask! Although I didn't get the job, my experience was really positive with them.

While I’m always honest in interviews, my strategy of rehearsing answers word-for-word isn’t effective if unexpected questions come up. When this happens, I often get stuck.

How do you handle unexpected questions in interviews?

Also is my need to rehearse answers a form of masking?

  • Depending on the job interview, would a portfolio work? In my most successful interviews, I took an A1 portfolio of evidence that I could use to back up a number of likely questions. It included photos, charts, quotes from parents, examples of my marking style, etc.) For the first time in my life, I felt confident in the situation. (At one point, I forgot what I’d just been asked and admitted it - the deputy head blushed and said so had he! I felt so much better!) I got my last two jobs with this approach. I knew my material inside out and wasn’t worried that I’d forget it. When I was asked a question, I said things like, Can I show you this… I can give you an example of that… If you look at this, you’ll see…

  • By creating the portfolio (maybe even if you don’t use it), you’re creating a world of information that you’ve ordered physically and mentally. That’s how my brain likes it, anyway! Good luck!

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