Had enough again

Last summer I drank petrol in an attempt to end it all and was immediately evicted from the mental health housing I was in.

Since then I was homeless for a while then my parents took me back in.

There's nowhere else to go that I can mange but living here is killing me inside now.

My dad has dementia and is a selfish bugger but no one will believe me because everyone thinks people with dementia should always be excused everything. So I have to put up with his abuse and reports to the police achieved nothing.

I have nowhere else to go now. No friends. Any housing I would be offered locally, as what I was offered when I was made homeless, is unsuitable because the housing crisis in the UK is so bad now there are basically no decent homes on the social register left. They're all - and I know from experience - in places filled with drug addicts and badly behaved dogs and things I find hard to cope with.

The mental health team can do whatever they want, there's little accountability, no one seems to care I've been bullied by people, I'm almost 40 now, is it too much to ask to just get somewhere to live where I can have my dietary needs met and not have my health issues compounded with people who are mean.

  • Have you considered contacting the local authorities social services dept? They have different teams, for example the elderly, EMI, Vulnerable adults, the disabled ect. 

    You can refer yourself or ask someone to refer you, like a doctor. Your situation sounds at risk of breaking down. X

  • Thanks for the suggestion. My mother already did that. The thing is who knows if they will help? I'm tired of being scared and lonely every day. But you never know. But all I'm saying is I've had disappointing offers from those kinds of people in the past, I'm not sure really anyone cares.

  • I understand. I will give you some hope. My brother had a visit from a social worker yesterday. It went very well, after a lifetime of struggling and being misunderstood. Mental health services made things worse. Perhaps because we are autustic and do not have a mental health problem. 

    Anyway, it seens an occupational therapist that he saw at his GP surgery, referred him to social services. The vulnerable adults team. It was a positive and encouraging meeting. 

    Could the man that you see once oer week refer you? X

  • I understand. I will give you some hope. My brother had a visit from a social worker yesterday. It went very well, after a lifetime of struggling and being misunderstood. Mental health services made things worse. Perhaps because we are autustic and do not have a mental health problem. 

    Anyway, it seens an occupational therapist that he saw at his GP surgery, referred him to social services. The vulnerable adults team. It was a positive and encouraging meeting. 

    Could the man that you see once oer week refer you? X
