I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice

Hi everyone 

Through out my life because of my autism I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice.  I find it really difficult to switch off as it constantly scripting future conversations with people.  I have try doing mindful activities to make it stop and it make hard to sleep at night.  I was wondering if anyone had advice on it?  

  • To sleep I use the internal voice to tell myself a story. I wouldn't want mine to stop! It's just me after all.

  • Through out my life because of my autism I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice. 

    This actually sounds more like a bipolar trait - also part of the neurodiverse spectrum.

    This is something you should speak to a therapist for advice on since it may be something that will respond best to medication, but that would be for the specialists to decide.

    If you get referred to a psychiatrist then don't worry - it is only because only psychiatrists can normally prescribe mediacation for this.

  • everyone does doesnt they?
    if we didnt we wouldnt be sentient. but i bet even animals have this, a dog probably has its own voice in its head, thinking. just a normal sentience thing.