What an annoying day

We're having some new fencing and a gate put in, Mum and I went to look at fence panels and gates after following a website of a local builder merchant that claim to do all this stuff, we drive 15 miles to find the place, but none of the advertised fencing and the only gates were farm gates. I'm so fed up, why does this sort of stuff have to be so difficult? I even asked where they were and got a short answer and no help from some cocky lad. The other builders merchants we want to didn't have any either. Whats the point of having it all on a website and asking people to come and look id when you get there they've not got it?

New neighbours are jet washing, it's really annoying.

And I've had a bad tummy the last couple of days.

Rant over .... for the time being! Thanks for reading

  • Whats the point of having it all on a website and asking people to come and look id when you get there they've not got it?

    Probably the same idiots update the website as run the shop.

    As my old physics professor told me "there's no cure for stupid".

  • I wish there was a cure for stupid! I wish it were legal to run over those that step out in front of my car, head down in their phones and oblivious to the world around them.

    I don't feel I'm cut out for the 21st C, I'm not even sure I was cut out for the 20th C for that matter.

  • I wish there was a cure for stupid! I wish it were legal to run over those that step out in front of my car, head down in their phones and oblivious to the world around them.

    I don't feel I'm cut out for the 21st C, I'm not even sure I was cut out for the 20th C for that matter.

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