The sun

Anybody else have an extreme dislike for the sun? I f*cking hate it so much! When the sun comes out everyone comes out like bloody lemmings, it gets busy, more noise, and I just absolutely hate the sensation of the sun on me, it’s horrible. There’s nothing enjoyable about the sun whatsoever, if I had my way it’d be windy n wet every day. The sun as well just makes everything so god damn bright, like you look out the window and it just hurts your eyes. 
I’ve never liked the sun, even as a child I’d absolutely hate being in it, somethings never change. I personally cannot wait for autumn, when I can wear my thick cardigans, thick jumpers, and enjoy the dark evenings when I can sit in candle light and drink hot chocolate whilst it’s raining outside, with strong winds howling. That to me is heaven. This sunny weather we’re having in the UK atm is just my idea of hell. 
i just don’t get why everyone loves the sun, you see people sitting out in it drinking a beer and looking like they’re being cooked alive. How is that enjoyable?!!!!! Sorry, I think the sunny weather is getting to me and I’m getting hungry lol is there anybody else who shares my hatred of the sun? 

  • the only reason that I don,t like summer is because its too hot and I don't want to get sun burnt and its make me itch like crazy 

  • I could pick a bone with all these infernal Coronal mass ejections!

  • I have summer SAD too, people think it's a psychiatric illness, rather than and actual thing that causes huge physical discomfort and a range of nasty symptoms.

    I do like the light of summer, but not the heat and I've never been able to cope with heat. I come out in rashes, my skin feels dry but won't absorb moistureriser.

    Most of the places around the world that I would like to see are in hot countries, so I think I'll stick to watching them on telly, I probably get a better view of things anyway, not having to push throiugh crowds.

    I couldn't do extreme heat, I think, I'd walk out of the airport and collapse, I don't fancy hospital for a holiday resort. When I went to Turkey it was only late March and I ended up having to be taken back to the appartment in a taxi as I'd had to much of the 23.C heat, all the Turks were most amused, they  were kind though.

  • I ahve a love hate relationship with summer. I love the sun in winter, wise I saw far more of it, but kind of hate the heat of the summer. I love it being hot while on holiday, but there I have a pool and no work to do. I have seen extreme heat in India and Arizona , both 40+oC. If in the UK we could just keep the temprature at about 20oC that would be great. I do miss winter because I have the excuse that the weather is horrible to be lazy and stay at home. Went out yesterday for lunch with friends and feel exhausted today.

  • The sun has been my mortal enemy for most of my life.

    I tolerate it now because I understand it's necessary for all life on earth, but it's a sensory nightmare. I have the opposite of SAD - I enjoy cold dark nights in winter and spend far more time outside. In summer it's the opposite and I spend most time indoors trying to cope with the heat and light.

  • Thankyou all for your replies :) Seems there’s a few like me hehe. If I get up in the morning and it’s bright sunshine, it’s the worst thing ever, but if I wake up in the morning and the wind is buffeting against the window and it’s raining, well that’s just like the best thing ever. Maybe I’m just a vampire haha 

  • I'm a little biased as I love love love autumn and the coziness that it brings. I don't hate the summer but I do hate the intensity of the heat, trying to keep myself and animals cool. I hate the hustle and bustle of gathering crowds, increased volume of noise and hayfever that escalate my anxiety levels to uncomfortable levels.

  • Indoors with air-conditioning for sure

  • My first post on this form (I suppose I should introduce myself!) but no, I really like the sun. Luckily where I live I get plenty of it. BUT here it gets just too hot sometimes in summer (we regularly get into the high 30s or even 40 on occasions) and I struggle to sleep -- my favourite seasons are spring and autumn. And yeah, seeing everyone out in town enjoying the sunshine and doing peopley stuff does get to me, when I often want to do anything but that. But a location or job that meant I rarely saw the sun would absolutely do my head in.

  • Nope, I love the light and the warmth. I love to be able to wear light, loose summer clothes. I can't sit in the direct sun for long as it gives me headaches, but I love to see flowers blooming, I like waking up to sunlight, and the longer daylight hours help my mood. It has to be over 30C before I start feeling too hot, which happens pretty rarely in the UK.

    The only bad thing about summer is the noisy people having barbeques, but I hate the cold and darkness in the winter months and don't particularly like being smothered in layers of clothing.

  • I don't hate the sun but I dread summer, the heat, the noise, the stickyness, not being able to sleep, when it gets really hot I can go for days without eating and have to force myself to swallow. I sweat so much all over and I can't seem to keep hydrated and get UTI's, I feel sick, headachy, dizzy and totally lacking in energy. People want to do things too, sit in it and lobsterise themselves, eat disgusting BBQ's. I end up longing for days when I can put on a nice woolly jumper and tuck into a bowl of soup.

  • I love the sun, whether it’s hot and sunny or frosty and sunny. Something about the brightness and blue sky lifts my soul.

    I can’t lie on beaches or around pools though as I am as pale white as it’s possible to be.

    The sun as well just makes everything so god damn bright

    I can’t argue with this though!

  • Yeh I see where you’re coming from. I personally like the sun it boosts my mood. But also increases my anxiety however I can counter my anxiety with herbal medicine. Problem solved lol. Also sometimes I feel like you do today when I just feel like I hate everything. That’s is understandable for me because I suffer from terrible stomach related pains which can be agonising. This would cause anyone to feel p*ssed off lol. You’re not the only one. Try and enjoy the sun while it lasts I know it’s easier said than done but give it a go!

  • When the sun comes out everyone comes out like bloody lemmings

    That's so true! I thought of that as well! Joy

    I dislike the sun too. I've also noticed that people all come out to go to the beach and to cook themselves alive. I've tried hanging out at the beach when I was younger. I went a few times, but it's so nasty, sweaty, disgusting smelling, your skin's burning, and you have to put sun protection on which is that nasty coconut smelling cream, and I don't like having that stuff on my skin, but I don't like my skin burning either. My eyes hurt from all the light. The water is polluted. So much noise. I'd just rather be indoors than deal with that madness!