What actually works for you when it comes to burning off anger?

I haven't found anything that works for me. I find that it's actually getting worse for me, not better.

The closest thing is a distraction but it's only temporary relief. Same with throwing something. Sometimes I just want to shout but again, that's probably just temporary.

Years of my parents making me feel bad for ever merely feeling sad about anything doesn't help. 

  • i think some form of awareness of why you get mad is likely important... for me i likely overthink things, play scenerios and bad stuff in my head over in different scenerios, get mad thoughts in my head, likely paranoid thoughts of bad things others may think of me, play out negative scenerios.... all this bad stuff in head leads to a building anger. a awareness of this and when you start doing it can make you say no and change your mind into a different direction possibly. this likely is... i forgot what they call it.... some.. .wait ill google it mid typing lol .... mindfullness maybe?

  • i think some form of awareness of why you get mad is likely important... for me i likely overthink things, play scenerios and bad stuff in my head over in different scenerios, get mad thoughts in my head, likely paranoid thoughts of bad things others may think of me, play out negative scenerios.... all this bad stuff in head leads to a building anger. a awareness of this and when you start doing it can make you say no and change your mind into a different direction possibly. this likely is... i forgot what they call it.... some.. .wait ill google it mid typing lol .... mindfullness maybe?

  • although not that im a good example of that...

    infact though i actually think theres a good side to the anger anyway, in that you are more motivated... i feel it makes me more physical and a better physical labourer.... i likely dumped and lost alot of my anger after a bit of a mental crash and reset at work reviously and likely let go of a few things and got a bit calmer and less caring which makes me less angry, but in turn it likely made me... lazier... less physical at work... the anger made me a better more active physical worker. when you let go of it your just left with less motivation for physicality and a lazier slower less caring state. the angry state is more active, physical and overly caring about everything.